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An Economic Commons is an agreement between people that includes their values, aims, instruments (like a CAV voucher) as well as roles and responsibilities. Note that without an agreement a Voucher has no meaning and there are no clear obligations of issuers and rights of holders..

Community Asset Vouchers (CAVs) are tradable vouchers, their rules set by the issuing party or parties on the Celo Blockchain. This guide will help you design and release your own CAV or one for an association you represent.

The essence of a CAV is to offer a contractual promise, redeemable either by you or an association.

The CAV's ultimate aim is community improvement. When planning it, listening to everyone and refining concepts are crucial. Setting a timeline and defining the CAV's application in projects is also vital. Think of this planning as creating a social enterprise business plan, but with community involvement.

Here's what we'll discuss:

  • Issuer Details: Who's creating the CAV?
  • Naming & Purpose: What's your CAV's name and what can it be exchanged for?
  • Valuation & Amount: How much is the CAV worth and in what terms (e.g., USD or Eggs)? How many CAVs will you produce and what's their total worth?
  • Expiry: When do CAVs expire, and where are they renewed?
  • Customization: Any special features for your CAV?
  • Finalization: Here, you'll seal the deal and release your CAV on the blockchain.